Holt Ilsan Center is a village for residents with disabilities in Tanhyeon-dong. It operates daily care, medication, sports and occupational rehabilitation for peaceful and stable lives.
Type | Name | Max Num (Num of Residents) |
Introduction |
Living Facility for the Disabled | Holt Town | 60 | There are 200 disabled residents. More than 100 faculty supports our residents’ daily lives through rehabilitation training and therapy program with individual supporting plans. |
Living Facility for the Disabled | Holt Home | 155 | |
Vocational Rehabilitation Facility for the Disabled | Holt Workshop | 80 | It supports independent social life with a job through providing occupational training and works for people with severe disabilities. |
Sports Facility for the Disabled | Holt Gym | 150 | It supports healthy life and physical development for the disabled through exercises. - Wheelchair Basketball Team, Taekwondo program etc.. |
Day Care Center for the Disabled | Holt Day Care Center | 18 | This is a facility to care people with disabilities from a local community whom families cannot care for a day. It enlarges individual rehabilitation abilities through vaious programs. |
Group Home for the Disabled | Group Home A | 4 | There are two group homes for residents who have willings and abilities for independence. The residents becomes a member of local community with help from social workers. They are still working for complete independence from the center. |
Group Home B | 4 |